Getting out in the air

Mar 1, 2021 | Family, Personal | 1 comment

The weather is finally starting to become a little more mild. The evenings are stretching out a little and the mornings are finally losing their bitterness.

I’ll tell you now that I’m not staying within 5km. But I’m using common sense. I’m traveling to areas where there aren’t many people and at times where it’s less likely to meet any kind of gathering.

There are a few reasons for this but they all boil down to a simple fact. I sit at a desk for way too many hours each day. Even before and during Christmas, we didn’t relax our precautions even when the rest of the country were settling in for a slightly more relaxed Christmas. But this has been taking a toll. Very simply, my head needs open spaces, air and sun. I have walked the dog for between 6 and 8km almost every day for the past seven months. But trapping along the same old streets in circuits that always lead back to the start of the route is just not providing enough stimulous.

So. Let me treat you to a few pictures taken over the past few weeks when we ventured a little outside the 5km corden.

Looking out to sea from the head at Clogher head.
It was still very mucky and clambering up to these heights was hard. But we really enjoyed it.
Yet another very mucky walk. This time across from Old Bridge. In Townly hall.

1 Comment

  1. Ian

    Poor kaiser!! I imagine he would prefer to have his paws up


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