Connecting to Hyper-V from a non-domain joined Windows 10 workstation.

Feb 14, 2019 | Server administration, Technology, Windows | 0 comments

I wrote something about this topic before. The first blog post regarding this connection from a non-domain joiend Windows 10 to Hyper-V is here.

The problem at that stage was a firewall rule. For remote management of HyperV, a more open firewall rule needs to be created to allow RemoteRM from a different subnet. As I’m administering Hyper-V from a client on a VPN connection on a different subnet, this is a requirement that hadn’t been there previously.

The following explains the client side configuration of the Windows 10 workstation that is required so that it will connect to the Hyper-V server.

Firstly the error:

When you try to connect to the Hyper-V server using the Hyper-V snap in, you’ll see the following error:

Hyper-V Manager
Delegation of credentials to the server
“{ServerName}” could not be enabled.
CredSSP authentication is currently disabled on the
local client. You must be running with administrator
privileges in order to enable CredSSP.


Firstly, set your network interface and the VPN interface to private. You would have previously done this through the home group settings but as windows 10 1809 no longer has this functionality, you’re better off just using our great friend PowerShell.

Get-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceAlias “WiFi” | Set-NetConnectionProfile -NetworkCategory Private
Get-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceAlias “Ethernet 5” | Set-NetConnectionProfile -NetworkCategory Private

Please be aware that you will need to change your network interface aliases. IF you don’t know these, type get-netConnectionProfile in PowerShell.
Now add the servername to your host file. This is in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts to do this, open NOtepad as an administrator, open that file then add a line to the end of the file in the format {ServerName}
Substituting the IP address of your server and the server name.

Next enable PowerShell remoting and give the remote system delegated access your workstation. Only do this if you trust the local machine but I hope all of this goes without saying the obvious. ONly do any of this if you are sure that the remote host and indeed your workstation is trusted.

Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value “{ServerName}”
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role client -DelegateComputer “{ServerName}”

There’s one last thing to do. Configure your local policy to Allow delegating fresh credentials with NTLM only server authentication.

  1. Click start.
  2. Type gpedit.msc then hit enter.
  3. Expand Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ System \ Credentials Delegation.
  4. On the right, double-click delegating fresh credentials with NTLM only server authentication
  5. Click Enable
  6. Click the Show button
  7. Provide the value wsman/{ServerName}
  8. Click OK
  9. Click OK again.

Of course, change {ServerName} with the name of your server.

that’s all there is too it. Just open the Hyper-V console and connect to your Hyper-V server. Provide credentials in the format {ServerName}\{UserName}.


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